August 30, 2006

Who's there?

I was reading 1 Samuel chapter 3 this morning and was struck by something in verse 1.

The word of the Lord was rare and precious in those days; there was no frequent or widely spread vision. (Amplified Bible)

The text goes on to say that the Lord called to Samuel three times during the night, and neither he nor Eli (the priest) knew what it was. Eli finally figured it out, like he drudged up a faint memory of the Lord communicating with his people in the past.

What is my point? Well, if you and the people around you are not used to hearing God, you may not recognize him when he calls.

Also, that there may be seasons of less or greater revelation in our lives or in the life of the church as a whole. It would be good not to confuse them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So true and what I think is VERY interesting is that Eli was supposedly the man of God around, the priest for crying out loud. Boy...that could preach SO much for our churches today. It's a good thing God doesn't give up on speaking to us when we pretend we're listening but not really