September 30, 2006

a glimpse of my past

My old house. The only house I've ever owned. We owned the right half. We bought it for $110k in 1994, sold it for $210k in 2003, and recently found out that it sold a year ago (2005) for $255k. Gotta love those Boston housing values. Oh, that's my mom out front.

Belos is my kids' old school. It used to be called Knippe School. There was one room each for kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade. They have a lot of good memories from there.

Now it is Bradford Christian Academy for junior and senior high school students, which really surprised me because I didn't know there were any Christians in Massachussetts. They must bus them in from other states.

covenant marriage

I've run across the "covenant marriage" concept a few times and always thought it was a neat idea. So far only 3 states have it as an option.

The basic premise is that there should be legitimate barriers to divorce that ensure that divorce is only for legitimate reasons and only after every reasonable effort to save the marriage has been made.

The issue of divorce in the Bible is somewhat confusing to me. I think the attitude we had about it in the past was too black and white and mechanical. I think that most Christians today don't have a strong enough sense of the time and effort necessary to preserve and resurrect marriage in difficult circumstances. I think Jesus did not mean to create a new set of legalese to replace the old one. I think his intent was... "Marriage was always meant to be permanent, and everything possible should be done to preserve it, even if there are "legitimate" excuses for divorce. However, in this fallen world, sometimes it is necessary." I think that's his intent.

In my mind, Covenant Marriage is an attempt to reach for that ideal. Here is a link to more information...

The perfect wife

I'm taking a break from dating for awhile. I'm just too busy doing stuff I enjoy. And since it's so unusual for me to be satisfied single, I might as well make the most of it while I can! (Plus, I was upsetting too many women with my lack of communication. The guilt. The guilt.)

Someone suggested to me that I nail down what it is I'm "looking for." I resisted it a little because I have been taking the approach that I am willing to go out with anyone, at least once or twice, in order to not "screen" people unnecessarily. Maybe I will discover something. I was trying to be open to life "outside the box."

However, she had a point. Because if I don't know what's important to me I may end up "sticking" to someone for all kinds of weird reasons, ignoring the fact that they are missing very important qualities. I get in that trouble a lot, because I am a flexible, adaptable person, and it doesn't take much spark to get a "connection" going. Inevitably, though, the other deficits show up and I'm wanting out.

So I guess I am endeavoring to prevent "love blindness" by being explicit ahead of time what the things are that are important to me, so I won't forget them when I'm caught up in the rush of a new relationship.

If you will permit me, I would like to use this forum to flesh some of it out. The title of this piece is kind of a joke. I don't believe there is a perfect wife. But the following would be attributes that would help her be a good fit for me. For those of you who know me, please post comments whether you agree or not, or whether I have overlooked something. This is a group test, lol.


  • Strong spirituality. A deep connection with God born out of trial and rigorous self-honesty. This would be the God described in the Old and New Testament of the Bible, including the coming of this God to earth in the form of Jesus. It is not "the universe" or "karma" or "higher self" or whatever. Since this is the central focus of my life it is critical that we share this, and spur each other on in the faith.
  • Mature. Self-confident, independent, good self-esteem, good relationships.
  • Fruit of the Spirit. Not perfection, but a consistent and growing evidence of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, self-control.
  • Committed to personal and relational growth.

Very Important

  • Loves music. Music is such a strong passion of mine it would be hard to imagine living the rest of my life with someone who didn't share that.
  • Doesn't want any more children. Been there. Done that.
  • Quick mind, quick wit, appreciative of my attempts at humor.
  • Comfortable with little physical intimacy prior to marriage and lots after.
  • Affectionate.
  • Nice teeth. (I know. I'm not buying a horse.)
  • Aesthetically pleasing to me. How do I describe that? That's hard. I appreciate many types of beauty in women. I know I am much more interested in natural beauty than in what she looks like all made-up. I think it is important that I have a natural, unforced, positive reaction whenever I see her, so that it will be easy for me to naturally tell her "You're so _____." I'd like to be able to do that for her.
  • Petite. I've always found short, small women attractive and interesting.


  • Intraverted. This does not mean shy or timid or a loner. It means that she is very comfortable being alone and being quiet.
  • Appreciates beauty. All the arts, anything aesthetic.
  • An established vocation. Has a sense of her gifts and calling and is pursuing that.
  • Strong and supportive family of origin.
  • Good verbal skills. Ability to express herself well in speaking and writing.
  • Ethnic. I suppose my attraction has usually been to european looks such as italian, hispanic, scandanavian, eastern european. Exotic. Distinctive. Unusual. And having experience living in another culture is positive to me.
  • Artistic. Draw, paint, sketch, create. Particularly colors!

Nice to have

  • Foreign language. The ability to speak another language besides English.
  • Good housekeeper. Likes to cook, clean, make a comfortable living environment.
  • Musical. Likes to play instruments or sing. Passionate and skilled.

Ok, so set me up... Who do you know that's in the ballpark? I might just be willing to come out of retirement! lol

September 29, 2006

vote yes for life

Apparently I've been living under a rock this year because today was the first time I heard about South Dakota's law banning all abortions except in the case of jeopardy of the life of the mother. I was listening to Doctor Dobson on the radio and he had this woman on who has been the main spark plug behind this.

I guess the next step is it has to be ratified or something, and then it will inevitably get appealed and could go all the way up to the Supreme Court.

This is the web site of the movement in South Dakota...

In my view, abortion is a societal issue just as important as the slavery issue, if not more. And it has many parallels. (Read this article "The Underground Railroad of our Time").

September 28, 2006

The essence of cheap

When I do the custodial work at the church sometimes I have to "touch-up" the bathrooms. Than includes restocking the paper towel and toilet paper rolls if they're low. We throw away the rolls that are almost gone. (It might have 1/4 or 1/3 left.)

I asked my boss and he said it was ok if i wanted to take them home. So now I don't have to buy paper towels or toilet paper anymore.

Doctor Phil

I think he's pretty good. Sees things very clearly. Asks good questions. Gets to the heart of the issue well. Gives people options and allows them to make choices.

September 26, 2006

What smells?

I've been a bachelor for several years, and making the house smell good hasn't been a top priority. However, a few months ago I decided it was about time, especially because my kids always complained when they came over, lol. (I think it's from all the cabbage I cook!)

So, being cheap and poor, I've tried a couple of things from the dollar store. I started with the Air Wicks. I went through 2 or 3. It always smelled pretty good the first day or two, but not much after that. Then I went to the Glade plug-ins. Again, smelled pretty nice for a day or two, but not much after that. I bought incense sticks. They made the place smell good and smoky for about an hour, and then I had to wash the windows on the inside...

So, help me out. What have you find works the best over the longest period of time for the least maintenance and cost!!!

September 24, 2006

Taping the CD. What was it like?

Thank you to the many who prayed for me yesterday concerning the taping of the CD with Steve Arterburn about “coaching.” I was pretty nervous, and spent much time preparing and worrying and praying! Lol

Let me give you the blow by blow of what went down yesterday...

I had emailed an outline to Steve a couple of weeks ago and asked for his feedback. I wanted some sense of what he would want to focus on. I never heard back. A couple of days before the taping I emailed him and said I would like to do a role play with a real or fake situation to show people what coaching was really like. I never heard back. In fact, no one ever spoke to me at all about anything related to the CD except that we would do one. Not what it would be like, what Steve likes and doesn't like in these things, what the main purpose of doing the CD was going to be, etc. Not good for someone who doesn't tolerate ambiguity very well!! So I did my best to try and prepare for anything and everything... Have you ever tried that?

The day before the taping I emailed my contact at New Life in California to verify day, time, location, and a contact at the station I was supposed to go to. Here is the response I got. “Yes we are still on. WAYL in St. Augustine is the station. David Oglesby is the general manager. 904-641-**** is his number.“ Ok, good. That was settled. I didn't want to make some kind of stupid mistake that would mess up the whole event. Like being late for an interview because you got lost or something.

As I was praying that morning I thought I heard God trying to reassure me, and also tell me that there would be something surprising come of this experience. Something I wouldn't have thought of ahead of time.

I called David Oglesby earlier in the morning, just to double check all the information with him. He was in a meeting and the receptionist said she would have him call me.

I was nervous all morning, and did some busy work. I left at 11am, even though the taping didn't start until 1pm. Again, trying to minimize the possibility of confusion and mistakes.

I called a couple of friends while I was driving to have them pray for me. While talking to one of them I got a call from David. I said, “I'm on my way to Saint Augustine. I hope that's the right place.” He said, “No, you should be coming to our studio in Jacksonville!” So, I turned around and he gave me directions. My obssessiveness had paid off. He asked, “Is Larry Sonnenburg with you?” I was confused, and said, “No.” “Oh that's who we were told was coming.” I said, “Well I'm sure Larry would be quite surprised to hear he was expected at your station to do a CD about coaching, since he's New Life's CEO and is in Laguna Beach, California!” He laughed. “So what's your name? Don... ____?” (I guess the receptionsist's translation of my name got jumbled somewhere along the way.) We toyed with a few possible variations on my name and I finally said, “Double D will be fine.” We chatted for a few minutes about the radio station shakeup in Jacksonville this week. 106.5 The Promise had just been sold. They had the largest Christian audience in town. This station, 88.1 The River, decided to capture that audience by changing their format to all music, like The Promise had been, and by now calling themselves 88.1 The Promise. I thought David was very nice, and taking an unusual amount of time with me, being General Manager and all.

I got there about 12:30 and David was in the hall and introduced me to another guy, Calvin. Here's a picture of David.

Here's a picture of Calvin.

David showed me the studio where I would be doing the recording. An L shaped table with a sound board on one arm of the L, and a bunch of junk mail and CD's and stuff piled on the other. A typical “boom” mike. A tall bar stool with wheels on the bottom. Besides that there was a small love seat and a bunch of electronic equipment. There was a large window in the wall that adjoined the studio where they did the announcing from and I could see a blonde woman in there putting on headphones and talking sometimes.

I said I needed to use the restroom. The staff were joking saying, “We have a saying here. 'If I don't go, who will?'” lol. The bathroom smelled interesting. There was an Oust fan on the counter that wasn't whirling. I picked it up and it said “On.” Must have had dead batteries. There were two light switches by the door. There was a sign with an arrow pointing to one of them that said, “Never turn off the fan!” Apparently they have an odor circulation problem! (I know. tmi)

David got on the phone with Terry at New Life in California and started talking about technical stuff that went way over my head.

I looked around the station for awhile. All the plaques for one thing or another. Autographed pictures of Christian musicians and speakers.

I had prepared a lot of notes, spread out under different topics, across 8 pages. (Somehow you're not surprised, are you?) Given the cluttered set up of the L counter I began wondering just where I would sit, see the papers, and be by the microphone. I did some stretching, and some deep breathing, and sat on the love seat and closed my eyes.

Terry called about 5 minutes before 1pm and said, “David, is there any way we could push this thing back an hour? They double-booked Steve!” “No,” David says. We've got a lot going on today.” I'm beginning to think that I may get a reprieve, and had some mixed feelings about it. Kind of like when you've crammed for a final and you wake up and see all the snow and wonder if school will be cancelled. Euphoria at not having to face the test. Reality that you will have to go through the whole prepaaratory anxiety again in the future! I didn't freak. I believed that God was in control, one way or the other. Terry says, “I'll see what we can do. I'll call you back.” David leaves the room and comes back a few minutes later and calls Terry. “I guess we can do it in an hour after all. I thought we were busy, but we're not.” “You sure that won't be a problem?” “No, except we got this guy, Doug, sitting here.” I assured him I would be just fine. “Another hour to be nervous,” I thought.

David says to me, “Hey I'm gonna go grab a bite to eat in a few minutes. Wanna come?” “Sure. I'm not hungry, but I'll come.” The last thing I need at this point is something in my digestive tract! “OK, I got a couple things to finish up first and I'll be back.” I did some more stretching, walking around, sitting on the love seat with my eyes closed. I practiced praying in my mind. (Usually I can only pray well if I write it out, or say it out loud.)

About 1:30 I decided to see if I could set up the area in a way that I could access my notes well and have access to the microphone. I asked Roger, the Operations Manager, if we could clear off the clutter from one of the arms of the L. He started picking up piles and putting them on the floor. I noticed on top there were two small packages from New Life. I pointed them out and asked if they might be something we would need related to the recording. “Oh, they're probably for the sunspots.” (There are a couple of weeks during the year when New Life Live can't be Live because of sunspots causing interference in the satelite link, or some such thing. So New Life records a whole bunch ahead of time and sends them out to the stations on CD's for them to play during the usual live time. The audience doesn't know the difference. It still sounds live.) Once the arm of the L was cleared off I spread my papers out and tried to arrange them in some logical order so I would be able to quickly refer to them as the conversation progressed. I also wrote the major topics in BIG letters so I could spot them easily. It's hard to scan through information in the middle of an active conversation. I extended the microphone boom and it reached just fine.

Roger came in and starting working on the technical set-up. Roger is the Operations Manager. Here is a picture of Roger.

I asked Roger what an Operations Manager was. He told me that his main job was to make sure the station ran well when no one was there... from like 6pm to 6am and most of the week-end. It goes into automated mode at that point, playing songs, commercials, etc. Apparently, there were other duties that Roger would really like to perform, but “the General Manager likes to do those things.” I asked who the General Manager was. “Calvin.” Ok, so David wasn't the General Manager after all. No wonder he had so much time for me! I guess he is more of a marketing/advertising guy. I think he also does the morning show.

Roger got on the phone with Terry and they were talking in a language that I never learned in school! They tested various things out, I had to put on headphones and talk into a mic. I had to say whether I could hear the other person in the headphones or not.Roger says, “California is only going to be hearing you through the speakerphone of this phone, so you'll have to try to get as close to it as you can. And I see you have your notes all over there.” Suffice it to say that my notes and the phone were at opposite ends of the L. The best laid plans... Roger tried to stretch the cord on the phone to bring it closer to my notes. Little success. So, I gathered my notes up into 2 piles and brought them as close to the center as I could. Then I tried to sit in the middle so I could be somewhat close to the speakerphone on the right and the notes on the left. Why didn't I put the notes right in front of me? Well, the big mic with that large black screen over it has to be in front of your face. Kind of blocks a lot of your visual space...

The time finally came. I heard Steve in my headphones. He was asking someone in the background, “Is this a Perspectives CD?” Hmmm... that didn't give me confidence that he had put a whole lot into preparing for this event that was huge in my world. He then asked me, “Doug, how do you want to be introduced?” Huh? That was the first curve ball. How did I want to be introduced? I joked and said, “President.” Oh well. I've always wanted to do stand-up, lol. Finally I said, “This is Doug Doan, one of New Life's coaches.” Pretty spectactular, ain't it? He asked me if I was ready and I said I was. This is Steve.

“Hi, this is Steve Arterburn with a New Life Perspectives CD.” Then he went on with something about how if Jimmy Connors needs a tennis coach at 50 years old, wouldn't all of us benefit from having someone help us with guidance and advice through our lives. That made me a little nervous, since coaching has little to do with giving people guidance and advice. Then came the next curve ball. “Doug, what do you find is the reason most people are resistant to the idea of coaching?” I didn't have a clue. I talk to people who want it. That's why they are referred to me! And most of them have no clue what coaching is. They just assume it's phone counseling. So I said the first thing that came to my mind, “Education. They are just not aware that it exists, or what it is, or why they would use it.”

Then Steve says, “Why don't we do a role play.” I thought, great. At least we can get into something I'm familiar with. Then he goes on to say that the biggest concern in his life right now is his daughter turning 16 soon, starting to date, and not keeping good physical intimacy boundaries with her date. Oh boy... Couldn't he have picked a less sensitive issue??? lol. Oh my god... Especially to go out to thousands of people? Plus, it's not really a great coaching topic. It's more of a counseling topic. Well I jumped in and started talking to him like I would any of my clients. I got into it, and kept asking probing questions. I was animated, talking with my hands, being quite expressive. Apparently, we got to deep, because he stopped me and reminded me of the purpose of the CD. (Like, do people really want to know this?) We picked up again, and he got to the point where he admitted that he had gotten a lot more clarity about things that would help him be more reassured than he had been before, etc. We didn't get to the part where I actually helped him come up with concrete action steps to help make sure those good intentions turned into reality. But I think the role play part had gone on long enough.

I almost never referred to my notes, because either he was asking me questions that I wasn't prepared for, or I couldn't find the right notes quickly enough. A couple of times that it would have been good to find them was when he asked, “What are the most common topics people come to coaching for?” and, “Give us an example of a great success story.” I had things prepared for both of those questions, but couldn't find the appropriate notes quickly enough. So I winged it. To me it sounded either stupid or just plain wrong.

When the CD was over Steve said thanks and I said, “I enjoyed it. I can't say I wasn't nervous though!” He said, “Thanks for the great work you're doing,” or something to that effect, and he was gone.

I took the headphones off and I was alone in the room. I went and got someone and told them I was done. They came in and called David and he told them how to stop the taping on the laptop. I walked out of the door and into my car, which was quite hot from the son. Felt good though. Warm. Real. Back into the real world. Got that over with. I started driving toward church where I had to do a couple hours of custodial work. Along the drive I started having PTSD. Why didn't I say this? Why didn't I say that? People aren't going to have a very solid understanding of coaching. Steve is pissed that I got too deep in the role play. Why didn't he chat with me more before or after the taping? What are people going to think? Etc. etc. etc.

After I was done at the church I went to Blockbuster and rented a DVD of The Office and watched all 6 episodes, including all the “deleted scenes” and commentary. I woke up the next day feeling normal again. I wasn't real happy with the result. But I thought I did very well for what I was given.

Well folks... that's a glimpse of my brief “life in the fast lane.” It's good to be back at my computer.

September 23, 2006

My notes in preparation for the Coaching CD

How did you get into coaching?

· Pastor for several years
· MA in counseling, Gordon Conwell
· New Life -Assessment Counselor
· My personal coaching experience (Dave McIlrath)
o work issues
o time management
o Life purpose
o financial
o weight
o parenting
o I wasn't told what to do, but was helped to find what works best for me!
· Individual coaching for new life
· Group coaching for new life

What is coaching? (definition)

· Helping people reach their goals
· Helping people turn their good intentions into reality
· Helping people get unstuck

The Philosophy of coaching (underlying assumptions)

· The client sets the agenda
· The client is the expert about the client
· Failure does not exist. Only learning experiences
· The client provides the motivation. The coach helps discover it or unblock it or increase it.
· The coach's primary role is NOT to give advice.
· The coach is not so much an expert in any particular area as much as he is an expert in change. A catalyst.
· The Holy Spirit is an active participant in the whole process, from beginning to end.
· Coaching is indivividualized. One size does not fit all. Treats each person as unique.

Typical issues dealt with in coaching (anything)

· Life purpose
· physical health
· emotional health
· spiritual health
· financial issues
· boundaries
· job/career issues
· relocation issues
· marriage and family relationships
· Divorce readjustment
· dating
· business management
· people management
· time management
· uncluttering

The most important coaching technique: Asking the right questions!!

· To know the client, inside and out
· To clarify goals, dreams, desires, values
· To brainstorm possible action steps
· To uncover or address potential obstacles
· To troubleshoot motivation issues
· To help form effective action steps
o concrete: measurable action, by when?
o Realistic: Enough time, energy, resources, motivation?
o Flexible: A target range. Contingency plans.
o Frosting: Things to do to make the action more likely.
· To evaluate: How did it go? What can we learn?

Is coaching Christian?

· That depends largely on the coach and the client.
o Are they pursuing God's goals and purpose for the client?
o Are they using God's methods to reach those goals and purposes?
o Is the coach facilitating the work of the Holy Spirit in the client's life, or replacing it?
§ Did Jesus use coaching principles? (Yes, pointed questions.)
§ Why do you worry?
§ What can you give?
§ Why are you so afraid?
§ What do you want?
§ How much are you willing to pay?
§ What do you have?
§ Who do you say I am?
§ Do you want to be well?
§ Why do you doubt?
§ Do you love me?

What is the difference between therapy, counseling, and coaching
(In practice, there is a lot of overlap. It depends on the boundaries of the professional.)

· Therapy is an internally broken or hurting person going to a doctor or parental figure to receive empathy, healing, mending, personality development. Focus on the past.
· Counseling is a person who is facing some kind of difficult or unfamiliar situation who goes to an expert for guidance, advice, and tools. Focus on the present.
· Coaching is a relatively “fixed” person who has a goal or a dream, or just wants to be all that they can be, going to a partner who will help them move forward and accomplish things. Focus on the future.
· CAR analogy: Therapy would be going to the mechanic cause you're not running right. Counseling would be like going to driving school to learn how to handle all kinds of situations. Coaching would be like going to a travel agency and picking a destination and mapping a route.

Some advantages of coaching

· You don't have to have a problem (something wrong with you) or a diagnosis or label.
· Convenience. Heavy use of phone and email. No geographical limitations.
· Can address several types of issues or goals without changing coaches.
· Usually more affordable.
· You don't have to quit when you're feeling good!


· Clarify the goal or desire.
· Explore history. What have you tried? What worked best?
· Brainstorm options
· Explore resources
· Determine action step.
o Concrete
o realistic
o flexible
o frosting

Who is a good candidate for a coaching experience?

· Someone who is relatively healthy, mentally and emotionally.
· Someone who has a goal or desire for change or accomplishment, or who wants to make the most of their life.
· Someone who is willing to invest the time, money, and effort in the process.

Characteristics of a good coach

· Lets you set the agenda
· More interested in asking good questions than giving you the answers
· Sensitive to the Holy Spirit and to you
· Dependable, safe, good rapport, etc. (personal qualities)
· Life experience
· Formal education and certification (No official government licensing exists at this time.)
o TLC -Transformational Leadership Coaching (Regent U)
o ICF -International Coaching federation
§ Recommendation from a friend, or organization you trust.

What is group coaching, and how does it differ from individual coaching?

· Several people at the same time with a coach.
· The topic/issue is well defined and doesn't change.
· There is usually some kind of prescribed teaching and/or homework.

Some advantages of group coaching

· Learn from the experience of others, not just your own.
· Inter-member support and accountability
· Again, geography is not an issue. (ex: Hawaii, Alaska, California, Florida, Ontario, Illinois, Japan, Korea.)

What groups does New Life currently offer?

· Every Man's Battle
· Lose it for Life
· Healing is a Choice
· Boundaries

What groups has new life had in the past or is considering in the future?

· every heart restored
· life purpose
· divorce
· marriage
· add/organization
· spiritual growth
· 12 steps
· church leaders

Final thoughts

· a privilege to work for New Life, and do what I do
· Contact information

Other crap
· “Christian Coaching” by Gary Collins
· Examples of success
o XXX-confronting people, job decisions, parenting, weight
o YYY-marriage, time management, mother,
o ZZZ -self-esteem, dating, time management, masculinity issues


I had someone pointedly tell me this morning, "Doug, don't ever forget the awesome gift God has given you. You make it very safe to talk to you. You're very safe."

I thought that was nice. Thank you!

September 22, 2006

Cool at last

Last night was the first night it was cool enough to go to bed with the window open. Nice...

$4 Generic prescriptions at Wal-mart

Wal-mart is shaking up the prescription medication industry by announcing it will offer 291 generic medications for $4. For more details including a video, and a list of the 291 medications, go to

September 21, 2006

Coaching CD

Tomorrow I will be going to WAYL radio station in Saint Augustine to record a CD about "Coaching" with Steve Arterburn. He will be at his studio in Laguna Beach, CA.

I'm about as nervous as I can be! (I deal with a lot of performance anxiety.)

Heart's desire

It has been such a struggle lately... There is soooo much I'd like to add to this blog. ("More?? You've got to be kidding!") Most days all I really want to be doing is reading, research, exploration, observation, think, pray, meditate, write, create, etc. For every one post here there are 10 more that I would like to be working on. I don't do well being tied down to a schedule or structure. More of a free spirit, go with the inspiration, let it happen type person.

However, I have 2 jobs, 3 kids, and being single I have all the domestic chores as well. Kinda squeezes out much time for this.

But I really feel passionate about it.

I don't want to be like my great grandfather who was a painter and was so passionate about it that he didn't do so well providing for his family.

My heart is bursting and breaking over this dilemna. I was praying about it this morning and I believe that God told me I would see my heart's desire come to reality. It seems too fantastic to be believe right now... what with my current financial responsibilities and mammoth debt. I believe him though, and I'm going to pursue it.

I don't know if it will come in the form of sponsorship, a trust, some kind of sale of my writing, an inheiratance. I'm not sure. But I'm gonna reach for it. What do I have to lose?? :)

September 20, 2006

Andy Warhol

I just watched a 2 hour PBS special about Andy Warhol. What did I learn?

  • He was very sick as a kid.
  • He was very close to his mother for most of his life.
  • He had an intense desire to be famous.
  • He was gay.
  • He is lauded as one of the great artists of the 20th century.
  • He was the shining star of the "pop" art movement, and successfully brought an end to the "impressionism" era.
  • His works were largely overlooked for many years, especially because he started as a "commercial" artist, therefor not considered a "fine" artist.
  • He was obsessed with the phenomenon of fame and celebrity, and deeply understood it. He's the one who said, "Everyone has their 15 minutes of fame."
  • He employed a lot of silk screen, every day objects, monotony, and repeated objects.
  • He claimed to have nothing to bring or contribute. He was just a mirror of the society around him.
  • His 32 portraits of campbell's soup cans is valued at around $100 million dollars and is currently in a museum in New York.
  • He later got into film-making.

I know people gush over his stuff, especially if they're "in the know." However, I can't help thinking it looks like some of the stuff I did in third grade...

The Presence

by my friend, Meghan Hoover

Knowledge deludes me
I have become lofty
I long to sit at your feet again with nothing to say
The warmth of your Presence is enough
I am safe
I have mistaken intimacy with familiarity Abba,
Refine me, refine me again

I am arrogant, restrain me
I place myself in your hand
You are a lingering kiss
I quake with gratitude and delight
Your faithfulness confounds me
I am in awe

My heart flutters for you...oh Abba, my Abba
too much to describe, I am in need
Wash me! Cleanse me!
Your gaze is heavy
I make room in my heart for your word, your voice

Your love, your patience
Is like the smell of the desert after the rain
Intoxicating...crisp...fresh...filled with wonder
and still, I am enamored with so many other things

Again, I come
Restore unto me the joy of my salvation
and renew a right spirit within me


September 19, 2006

My love

Post-it notes. Whoever invented them deserves a medal.

Mystery solved...

You may recall that on July 8, 1947 witnesses claim an unidentified object with five aliens aboard crashed on a sheep and cattle ranch just outside Roswell, New Mexico.

The next month the following people were "born."

  • Al Gore
  • Bill Clinton
  • Ted Kennedy
  • John Kerry
  • Donald Rumsfeldt

September 18, 2006


I turned 46 today. Several people asked me if I was 50. What's that about??

Although I did recently purchase a dvd called "Keeping fit in your 50's." I guess I wanted a head start!

September 16, 2006

Paris Hilton

I think she is pretty. Now that doesn't mean I endorse her lifestyle or anything. So chill..

Why do I make a point of it? Because most of the people foisted on us and heralded as pretty and glamorous usually are not. They're hyped and made up and air brushed to the nth degree (i.e., Britney Spears). I think Paris is actually pretty.

Yes, her real hair and eyes are brown, but I don't think that would change my opinion.

In hoc signo vinces

  • Muslims in Jordan; blowing up hotels, killing foreigners.
  • Muslims in Iraq; kidnapping journalists, aid workers, foreign contractors and beheading them
  • Muslims in Delhi,India; blowing up markets, 100's dead and injured
  • Muslims in Bali; blowing up night clubs, kill 400
  • Muslims in England; blow up subway, 52 killed, 300 wounded
  • Muslims in Spain; blow up trains, 200 killed
  • Muslims in Russia; attack school in Beslan, 350 children killed, in Moscow, 118 hostages killed in theater takeover
  • Muslims in USA; 9/11 attack kills 3000 people
  • Muslims in Australia; gang rapes of australian girls, by Lebanese muslim immigrants
  • Muslims in Sri Lanka; attacking Christians, Hindu and Chinese, causing riots and death
  • Muslims in Singapore; attacking Christians and Hindus
  • Muslims in France; burning synagogues; rioting, burning 1000's of cars
  • Muslim in Netherlands; beheading writer Van Gogh for reporting on Islamic cruelty to women
  • Muslims in Turkey; blowing up synagogues
  • Muslims in Malaysia; attacking Christians and Hindus and chinese immigrants
  • Muslims in Kashmir; burning hindu temples, constant attacks on innocent people and policeMuslims in Egypt; killing tourists
  • Muslims in Iraq; killing anybody they can, anytime for any reason
  • Muslims in Iran; oppression and death of all who promote foreign influences
  • Muslims in India; blowing up Hindu temples full of people, constant attacks on innocents
  • Muslims in the Philipines; kidnapping, raping and killing civilians
  • Muslims in Somalia; commiting genocide on christians; women and kids enslaved; killing UN aid workers
  • Muslims in Sudan; commiting Genocide on christians; killing UN aid workers
  • Muslims in Serbia; attacking christian serbs and churches
  • Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bombing churches, beating christians
  • Muslims in Israel; suicide bombers killing jewish civilians and children.
  • Muslims in Indonesia; murdering the infidels, teachers and destroying churches and ethnic homes and businesses. Raping and attacking Christians
  • Muslims in Philippines; genocide of christians, kidnapping/murder, bus and church bombings
  • Muslims in Bangladesh; kidnapping, enslavement, murders, bombings
  • Muslims in Saudi Arabia; blowing up apartment buildings of foreigners; oppression of all other religions and killing opponents
  • Muslims in Yemen; blowing up US ships and attacking foreign nationals
  • Muslims in China; guerilla attacks on industry and usual threats and harassment
  • Muslims in Pakistan; attacking and killing foreign civilians; blowing up Christian churches
  • Muslims in Sierra Leone; slaugter of christians
  • Muslims in Uganda;genocide of christians,
  • Muslims in Rwanda;genocide of christians,
  • Muslims in Zimbabwe;genocide of christians, deportations and harrasment
  • Muslims in Congo;genocide of christians,
  • Muslims in Nigeria; genocide of christians,
  • Muslims in Namibia; genocide of christians,
  • Muslims in South Africa; persecution of christians, muslims calling for separate state
  • Muslims in Algeria; christians killed, priests beheaded, churches destroyed, entire families and towns beheaded for opposing Islam
  • Muslims in Bangladesh; Churches destroyed, christian schools harassed and boarded up
  • Muslims in England; Race riots 2001. Beating up old ladies and men and killing and raping teens
  • Muslims in Azerbaijan; Christians harassed, jailed and deported or killed, churches burned or boarded up
  • Muslims in Ivory Coast; genocide of christians
  • Muslims in India; infiltrators attack capital, kill diplomats and innocents
  • Muslims in Kashmir; wanton killing and bombing of Indian temples
  • Muslims in Chechnya; blowing up police stations and churches, killing innocents
  • Muslims in Afghanistan; Taliban killing foreigners and other Afghans.

I would be more outraged if I weren't so aware of how often the Christian church has attempted to win the world for Christ by way of the sword. "Repent or die." All too often... How sad. How unChristlike we can become in our attempt to promote him. So sad.

God forgive us. All of us.

In hoc signo vinces

September 14, 2006


  • Saying, "I feel that..." is not an emotion. It's a thought or opinion. Emotions are one word.
  • Saying, "I encourage you to..." may or may not be encouraging to the person receiving it. Again, it is an opinion that you have about what might be good for them. But maybe what the person needs to actually feel encouraged is just someone to listen to them, or care, or help.

Due to popular demand Here are some links re: emotions that you might find helpful.

September 13, 2006

Unfettered blessing

I keep hearing God tell me every day lately, "You have my unfettered blessing. Believe it. Receive it."

It feel weird and unnatural. I have "struggled" for so long... I'm not sure what it would be like to not do so. Is it OK? How do I stay close to the Lord when I am not driven to him out of need and desperation? I don't want to lose that...

September 10, 2006

Avenues Walk

My boss at church, Wayne, told us yesterday that there is supposed to be a big new retail/residential/office complex going in about a mile from the church called "Avenues Walk." Among other things, it will boast the largest Wal-mart in the country, and over 1,000 residences. Apparently the developers are negotiating access rights to church property during the building phase. For more information, click here.

The law of investing

The Law of Investing: You get out what you put in

One guy goes to the river once a month and throws his line in twice and doesn't get much, if anything. "I guess I'm just not a fisherman." Or, "This river's no good. There's no fish here!"

Another guy gets up before the crack of dawn 3 days a week, takes all kinds of gear with him, tries out various spots, reads about fishing, wathces TV shows, and doesn't give up if he has 1 or 2 bad days with no catches. He is always talking to his buddies about fishing and what works for them. At the end of the month he's got lots of great fishing stories to tell, and he can't wait to get out and do it some more.

Same river. Same opportunity. Different experience.

Is there anything in your life that you are discouraged about, but have invested little? What is it?

September 8, 2006

Terrorist alert

Well I got my new cell phone finally! woo hoooo (Actually, it's used. I got it on ebay for 20 bucks. But it works good, so who cares, right?)

When it came in the mail and I first looked at it i noticed the owners name was on the screen. Abdel Bayoumi. I didn't think much about it, but when I looked at all the names in the address book they were all like ahmed and mohammed. There were some voice recordings and they were all in arabic.

Of course my first thought was... omg! I bought a terrorist cell phone that they wanted to unload on some unsuspecting sap! And I'll be caught using it, and end up in Guantanamo... I almost didn't want to touch it. Is that racist? Prejudiced? Paranoid? Probably.

After a little while I came back to my senses and realized that a terrorist with incriminating evidence on his cell phone wouldn't be trying to sell it on ebay for 20 bucks... lol. He would throw it in the river or something. Or make a bomb out of it.

So I looked this guy up online and he's actually a professor of mechanical engineering at University of South Carolina.

Sorry for slandering you in my mind, Abdel.

Free music

I just downloaded a free CD, and you can too.

It's an artist I had never heard of, named Derek Webb. He's a Christian and his message is mainly about social justice. Kind of like a Christian Simon and Garfunkel, or a male Sara Groves. Challenging the church regarding issues of poverty, war, and politics. I recommend it.

To download your free CD, go to You will need to put in the email address of 5 of your friends before you can do the download.

September 6, 2006

How do you spell "Dysfunctional"?

People always say they came from a dysfunctional family. But what is that really?

Diss - People are always dissing each other
Funk - Usually an "out of sorts" mood at home
Shun - Force the non-compliant person out of the "in" group
Ill - Everyone is sick emotionally and/or physically

Put it all together and you have diss-funk-shun-ill...

September 4, 2006

Abortion logic

In September 2003 Yahoo had a news story about the execution of Paul Hill. Here is a summary.

Abortion Clinics Fear Execution Reprisals - 09-04-2003
The execution of Paul Hill for the murders of an abortion doctor and his bodyguard left abortion providers holding their breath, wary that the former minister may become a martyr to the anti-abortion cause and spur others to act violently.
PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: I know many of you who read this have had abortions in the past. I am not trying to lay another guilt trip on you. In this situation I was giving a pointed retort to the people on this particular message board who were blasting anyone who had convictions against abortion. I was simply graphically demonstrating to them in their own words what the gist of their arguments were.

My heart goes out to you who have had horribly messed up situations and have had to make horrible decisions, none of which seemed right at the time. Don't worry. I love you!

Neither is the following a defense of Paul Hill and what he did. I don't address that issue at all, except as relates to the arguments I was illustrating.

Because my tone was very pointed and direct (for effect) you may not want to read this if abortion is a sensitive issue for you.

The following is my repsonse to what people were posting on the Yahoo message board about the story.


You have finally CONVINCED ME!!!!
by: dougdoan (42/M/Jacksonville, Florida) 09/04/03 12:53 am
Msg: 12785 of 15888
10 recommendations

For a long time now I haven't been able to see the logic in the pro-choice argument. God knows I've tried. I thought I would look at the posts on the boards tonight with an open mind, to see what I was missing. Here is what you have helped me to finally understand. Thank you!

1. You shouldn't oppose abortion unless you are personally willing and able to take in all the rescued babies and raise them until they are 18.
2. The fetus is PART OF the woman's body, not just IN IT.
3. Killing an innocent life, and killing to PROTECT an innocent life are exactly the same... both MURDER!
4. The fact that Paul Hill believed that abortion is killing innocent human beings, and was willing to give up his own life in order to try and stop it makes him a crazy, lunatic, nut case.
5. God is cool with abortion, because Mary Magdalene must have had abortions or miscarriages before she met Jesus.
6. Killing a developing fetus in the womb and masturbating are just the same. They both destroy life.
7. It is not right to tell someone their actions are wrong. Only God can judge.
8. If we were to prosecute women who kill their unborn babies than we would need to prosecute women for other behaviors that are injurious to the well-being of the fetus.
9. Men are not allowed an opinion about abortion because they don't carry and deliver babies.
10. The Supreme Court of the United States of America said abortion is LEGAL. Case closed.
11. The fetus is not a baby unless and until the mother decides to "will" it to live.
12. If a fetus can not survive on it's own outside the womb then it is not "viable" and has no rights. (I haven't been able to figure out just when that is... when a baby can survive on it's own without adult intervention... third tri-mester? 2 or 3 years old? 18? I'll need some more help with this one please.)
13. Adding another screwed up person to this planet is not going to help anything.
14. Vocalizing that abortion is wrong "instills guilt."
15. Defending the unborn = anti-woman.
16. The Saudi Arabians who slammed planes into buildings and killed 3,000 ordinary citizens are exactly the same as Paul Hill killing someone directly involved in perpetrating the atrocity he was trying to prevent. They are both TERRORISTS!
17. If reasons 1 through 16 don't work, NAME CALL!! Some good names are: hypocrites, religious fanatics, lunatics, ignorant b*stards, scum, Nazis, etc. "Shut up and go home" works sometimes too.

Well, after reading hundreds of posts, that's what I could find. If I missed any other brilliant arguments, please let me know. I do not want to stray off the path of my new-found enlightenment... Thanks so much!


Re: You have finally CONVINCED ME!!!!by: knight_of_azeroth 09/04/03 12:55 amMsg: 12801 of 15907 BRILLIANT
Posted as a reply to: Msg 12785 by dougdoan
Re: You have finally CONVINCED ME!!!!by: dantonsix (29/F/TX) 09/04/03 12:59 amMsg: 12859 of 15908 very funny...and enlightening. You get a recommendation.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 12785 by dougdoan
Re: You have finally CONVINCED ME!!!!by: rokykynarderickson (35/M/Western Hemisphere) 09/04/03 01:08 amMsg: 12978 of 15910 A fitting, astutely sarcastic observation of pro-choice logic!! Bravo!!
Posted as a reply to: Msg 12859 by dantonsix
Re: You have finally CONVINCED ME!!!!by: randy_coyote 09/04/03 01:00 amMsg: 12866 of 15911 Can you post that again just so I can recommend it a second time?Bravo!
Posted as a reply to: Msg 12785 by dougdoan

Do something different!

I was looking out the window watching a guy in the parking lot. He was trying to start his cargo van full of painting equipment for his business.

The sounds it was making were frightful! Klunks and grinds and bangs and sputters and screeches. Billows of ominous smoke. Sometimes it would start for a couple seconds and quit again. This went on and on and on... probably for five minutes.

Suddenly the painter got out of the van, obviously frustrated, walked around to the back, opened up the two cargo doors, slammed them both shut, and walked back to the front and got in the driver's seat. I thought to myself, that has to be the stupidest thing I've ever seen!

He turned the key, and with a couple of spits and sputters it started and stayed running.

Reminds me of a saying they use in recovery groups... "Insanity is continuing to do the same thing and expecting different results."

If you're stuck, try something different! Even if it seems stupid. You may be pleasantly surprised.
Written Januar 2005

September 2, 2006

My handwriting analysis

Motivating Forces

Doug is emotionally independent and feels the need to march to his own drummer. Yet, while he does not seem bound by conventional expectations, neither is he a total iconoclast. His overpowering need for freedom can make it difficult to sustain long-term relationships, no matter how much he wants the good things that go with them. He simply must be free to do what he needs to do, and too many close, personal ties make that difficult. He performs just fine in an antagonistic environment. Whether everyone gets along and are friends with each another is of little account to him. Excitement and activity are the thing. Financial and material security is very high on his agenda. He needs to know that he can take care of his family's needs, no matter what happens. Consequently, he can be expected to work long and hard to that end.

Ego Strength

Doug seems to have a belief that he is entitled to whatever he wants. When he sees something he likes, he simply assumes it is his and is within his rights to take it. In the face of all of the facts, his pride doesn't stand in the way of admitting it when he feels he has made a mistake. He'll probably say, "perhaps I was wrong after all." Doug has average self-confidence when it comes to taking on new responsibilities. He believes in his ability to handle major undertakings successfully if they are within the realm of his experience. Living his life without a lot of fanfare, his self-esteem is well enough developed for him to know what he wants and how to get his needs met. With his impulsive nature, he is low on willpower, and that means he can easily be sidetracked from his goal when something tempting comes up.

These results were obtained from a handwriting analysis tool available on

If you would like me to analyze yours (or someone else's) handwriting at no charge send me 2 or 3 pages of handwritten material. It should be on un-lined paper, ideally with a signature at the end. I'm not an expert, but would be happy to give it a try and let you know what I find.

You can mail it to me at 3737 loretto rd, apt 406, jacksonville, fl 32223, or you can scan it and email it to me at

My colorgenics results

Your mind is never at rest.You are continually striving to influence all those about you. You have some excellent ideas but you persist in trying to persuade others just how great your ideas really are. Maybe you are trying too hard. Take it easy - remember, 'Everything comes to those who wait'.

You need an atmosphere of peace and quiet and you would like to share a bond of understanding with the 'right person' - you have the belief that with the right person, your stress and anxiety could be minimised.

There are times of everyone's life when 'compromise' is the name of the game and this is the time, so you have no alternative but to forgo some pleasures for the time being. You are capable of achieving satisfaction through physical activity.

Your ability to withstand the pressures of everyday life have been overtaxed and this is leading to stress and frustrations. It would seem that for the time being you have lost the resilience and strength of will necessary to contend with existing difficulties. You feel that it is all 'too much' and, try as you may, you are getting nowhere. But to give you credit, you continue to stand your ground and pursue your objectives with a fierce intensity. Naturally this situation is subjecting you to intolerable stress and pressure from which you would dearly like to escape, but you can not bring yourself to make the necessary decision. As a result you remain firmly involved in the problem and you can neither view it objectively nor get rid of it - you cannot leave it alone and you feel that you will only be at peace when you have reached your objective.

Being afraid that you may be prevented from achieving your hopes and dreams is making you anxious and nervous. As a dreamer your ideas can at times move into the realm of fantasy and you could be following that so called illusive dream

To get your results, go to