October 31, 2007


I took a free career test online and these were the results.

General Description: As a Driver, you create activity and set the pace within your family and among your friends. Due to your desire to produce results, you quickly take charge by defining goals and delegating tasks. You are not afraid to take risks or impose your will through strong action in order to move ahead.

Typical Areas of Strength: Drivers, like you, are bold, direct, confident, competitive, often pioneering, assertive, frank, independent, and responsive to new challenges. You excel by having the freedom to define a direction focused on results.

Typical Areas of Struggle: You may be impatient, insensitive to the feelings of others, frustrated with details and routines, a poor listener, impulsive, too blunt, or overbearing.

Your Preferred Activities: To maximize your talents, you look for situations in which you can have a high level of independence, with obstacles to overcome, challenges to meet and solve, without many details to handle.

Your Communication Style: You communicate directly and forcefully, getting to the bottom line quickly. As a result, friends and family may see you as demanding, impersonal, and dominating.

My profile page is here...

To take the test click here

I'd be interested in your results. Email them to me at dougdoan@yahoo.com.

October 28, 2007

Top Reasons to SUBSCRIBE!!

1. It's free. How can you beat that??
2. You will be the envy of your friends.
3. No more sleepless nights wondering if you missed the latest post.
4. With your subscription and $5 you can get any drink you want at starbucks.
5. You might learn something.
6. No spam. Your email will not be rented, sold, or used to sell Viagra.
7. Get special bulletins from me which I send only to subscribers.
8. Save 15% on your auto insurance. (Depending on which company you call, and how much of a discount they give you.)
9. Unsubscribe at any time. No questions asked.
10. Unused subscription can be returned for full refund or store credit.
11. Please?
12. I have a goal to get to 100 subscribers and right now there are, ummm, not that many .
13. When there are a million subscribers you'll be able to say, "I was in the first 100!"
14. It's easy. Enter your email address and click the "subscribe me" button.
15. You might laugh.
16. Because I said so.
17. It does a body good.
18. Everyone else is doing it.
19. It would make me happy.
20. You can lie about it under grand jury investigation and I'll back you up.
21. Out of the hundreds of emails you get in a week, this will be one you actually want!
22. 4 out of 5 dentists recommend it.
23. Builds strong teeth and bones.
24. If you don't, the terrorists will win.
25. I want you to.
26. No credit check required.
27. You're pre-approved!
28. It's a guilty pleasure.
29. No calories.
30. It beats working.
31. No animals were harmed in the making of this blog.
32. It automatically qualifies you for the 12 step program, BA. "Bloggers Anonymous."
33. Pretty please?
34. You want stuff to talk about at the water cooler.
35. It would make my day.
36. You'll feel a lot less guilty.


1. Take with milk and cookies
2. May cause unbridled joy and enthusiasm.
3. Do not mix with self-pity.
4. You must open your mind before partaking.
5. Does not cure genital herpes.
6. If symptoms last longer than 4 hours, consult your doctor.

Seriously, it would mean a lot to me if you would subscribe. I promise not to waste your time with crap. And if you want to unsubscribe at any time there's a link in every email you get that lets you do it easily. Why not try it for a month? What do you have to lose???

Thanks... Doug

PS If you comment here with other reasons to subscribe, I may add them to the list! :)

October 13, 2007

the 5th step

Today I did my 5th step with my sponsor.

If you've never been through the 12 steps, let me back up. The 4th step requires you to "conduct a searching and fearless moral inventory." This involves writing up a page for anyone you have hurt, anyone who has hurt you, and any resentments or fears you have about anyone or anything. Mine was 150 pages. (Give me a break! I'm 47. That's only about 3 per year!! lol)

In any case the 5th step involves "admitting to myself, to God, and to one other human being the exact nature of my wrongs." After 6 1/2 hours, my sponsor had heard it all! (No, he didn't run out of the room screaming!)

Phew... I'm tired. But it's a good kind of tired.

Thanks Chuck!