April 23, 2007

relationships with difficult people

In a group I was leading I described the typical stages that we go through in a relationship with a difficult person. We were speaking about it in the context of a family relationship, but it applies to any difficult relationship. The group asked me to put what I said in writing. Be careful what you ask for! lol

What I am describing here are the typical stages that I have seen in myself and others when we have a relationship with a person who is difficult or abusive, and persistently un-repentant. If the person shows true signs of repentance along the way, then the following path will be modified accordingly.


At the beginning of the relationship we find ourselves connected with this person for some external reason… We live together, work together, play together, go to church together, etc. We expect them to treat us kindly, and in a manner appropriate to the external role they play (parent, neighbor, co-worker, etc.).


We get hurt. They either don’t treat us kindly, or they don’t live up to the expectations we have for the role they play in our life. It hurts. It bothers us. We may get angry, or sad, or disappointed, or fearful, or insecure, or guilty.


In some way we attempt to let them know that we have been hurt. They may respond any number of ways. Denial, rationalization, blame, anger, minimizing, promises, etc. We may not be completely satisfied with the response, but because of the nature of our connection with them, our good-will, and our belief in people, we move forward and let bygones be bygones.


The injury and confrontation cycle happens again and again and again and again. The intensity of its effect on us increases. At times we feel like we can’t take it anymore. We may blow up, get depressed, develop elaborate denial systems, “just trust God,” read books, try to be nicer, etc. We keep “hoping and wishing and praying.“ But nothing changes.


At some point we have enough and break off the relationship, as painful as that may be. All we know is that the pain of staying in the relationship is greater than the pain of leaving it.


Allowing ourselves to have some space in the relationship gives us a chance to heal, to evaluate, to see things for what they really are, to get help and support. We feel the pain from all the injuries. We grieve the loss of the relationship. We grieve the loss of the dream we had for what the relationship might finally become. We accept the reality that they will probably never change. We allow our anger to come out in safe ways and places. We develop close friendships with a number of safe people. We look at what our part was in the relational difficulties. We forgive the abuser (not excuse them). We cry. We surrender the whole thing to God.


The wound has healed, although there is still a scar. We are now able to fully focus on the present, although we have learned good lessons from our past experience. We find renewed strength and self-esteem. Joy comes back. Life seems a little bit more manageable and worth living. We can think about the offender without a lot of emotional baggage attached to it anymore. We learn how to keep the abuser at arm’s length. We learn how to speak truth to them.


We begin to see the other person as Jesus does. Loving the sinner, but not the sin. Although we don’t bring the person back into our “inner circle,” and although we don’t encourage or enable their abuse or sin, we find ourselves having the power to choose to do good to them, fully aware that we may never see any reward or benefit of that in this life. We pray for them. We seek to meet their legitimate needs. We rise above what the person “deserves.” We are no longer on their level. We are able to forgive them even in the midst of occasional further injuries. (“Father, forgive them. For they know not what they do.”) It is important to realize that some people say that their "loving" behavior is because of their Christ-likeness. But they have short-circuited all the above steps and it's just cheap wimpyness.


You may ask, “Is this not the same thing as where we started??” No. Choosing to do good to someone out of strength and free will versus being compulsively “nice” and “submissive” and “obedient” to someone out of your need or desire to avoid harm, manipulate, or to be liked are two very different stances in a relationship. Also, although you are doing good to them or for them, it doesn't mean you are exposing your heart to them, and drawing them into your inner circle of confidants.


April 22, 2007

sunday morning sounds

A short video clip of the sights and sounds out my bedroom window early sunday morning...

April 21, 2007

a tale of two brothers

Alec Baldwin is one of the Baldwin brothers who has achieved much success in TV and movies, such as Third Rock, Will & Grace, Glenngarry Glenn Ross, The Hunt for Red October, Knott's Landing, etc. (For full filmography, go here... http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000285/ )

Known for having a temper, this week audio was released of a voice mail message he left for his 11 year old daughter. He is angry, out-of-control, vicious, demeaning, intimidating, with lots of vulgarity and profanity. (If you dare to listen go here... http://www.savage-productions.com/Baldwin_voicemail.html WARNING: If you are tender regarding child abuse issues this will probably ruin your day. Or ought to.)

On the other hand we have Alec's brother, Stephen Baldwin. Stephen has also been in numerous films (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000286/). Because of a Brazilian housekeeper he converted to Christ after 9/11. Since then he...
  • Directed and produced Livin' It and Livin' It LA, films that focus on Christian athletes involved in extreme sports and evangelism.
  • Is currently working with the Luis Palau evangelistic ministry, launching his own Breakthrough Ministry
  • Wrote a book, Unusual Suspect, detailing his conversion. It made it onto the New York Times bestseller list.
  • In contrast to his brothers Alec and William, who are noted Democrats and avid Bush opponents, Stephen is a Bush supporter.
  • In 2006, he launched a campaign to prevent an adult bookstore from opening on the outskirts of his village, Nyack, NY. After mobilizing much of the county's religious base to the cause, Baldwin lent his support to a petition filed in New York Supreme Court by a group calling itself the Catholic Citizenship, and succeeded in quashing the store.
  • He is actively and boldly telling his story, and spreading the gospel to the Hollywood crowd, and many varieties of media outlets.

Who am I? 1969

Hint: Musician

April 18, 2007

partial-birth banned

In a 5-4 decision today the Supreme Court said that the ban on partial-birth abortion which congress passed in 2003 is constitutional, so it is now the law of the land. Yay!

Many are saying this is the biggest victory in the fight against abortion since the Roe v Wade decision in 1973. It is the first time any law has been passed and upheld limiting the "how" of abortion.

April 17, 2007

Save money

  • switchplanet Get stuff for free when you give stuff away.
  • freecycle Give stuff away. Get stuff for free.
  • mags 4 cheap Great rates on your favorite magazines.
  • lala trade CD's with other people for a buck.
  • Price Grabber want the best price?
  • mising money Who owes you money?
  • clark howard Clark Howard's site with lots of great stuff on personal finance and computers/technology
  • dumb little man tips that will save you money, increase your productivity, or simply keep you sane.
  • frucall stuck in the store wondering if you could get it cheaper on the internet? find out quickly with one free phone call.
  • gas price watch find the cheapest gas in your city. (my parents will like this!)
  • Ebay
  • Consumer Guide
  • Froogle
  • craigs list free classifieds
  • Switch Planet trade DVD's, CD's, video games
  • Book Mooch Click here to see a list of books I'm giving away. If you see something you want, simply register with BookMooch (free) and request it from me. It's a great site for trading books with others all across the country! Do it!
  • Amazon has great deals, particularly on used books, but lots of other merchandise as well.

April 16, 2007

who am i?

1970 -Bill and Hillary

1968 George W. Bush

April 9, 2007


My kids.... Rebecca, Justin, Olivia

Me and the kids...

Trying to look inconspicuous... "It wasn't us!"

PS I'm not that short!! (The ground is sloping down a bit, right?)

April 5, 2007

still ticking...

My dad went to haiti for a month to help out the mission there, and after a few days home went to Swaziland where he is now for 6 weeks.

Apparently, nobody gave him the memo that you should slow down at 70!! lol

April 4, 2007

material goods that will meet my deepest spiritual needs...

Here's my current wish list.

  • A Shark cordless sweeper, such as this.
  • The Wittenburg Door CD Click Here
  • A high quality bicycle
  • A rack for my bike like this
  • A cargo trailer for my bike like this
  • A high quality, pocket-sized digital camera
  • A memory-foam mattress
  • A memory-foam pillow
  • A large wall mirror
  • A cordless headset for my office phone
  • A "left-handed" computer keyboard click here
  • Starbucks gift cards
  • Pilot G-2 gel pens
  • Green (unroasted) coffee beans
  • A bunk bed
  • A flat panel monitor for my computer
  • A hand-held CB radio
  • Magazines: Charisma, Popular Science, Psychology Today, Discipleship Journal, Discover (A cheap site to order them is http://www.mags4cheap.com/magazines/index.php)

Wishes granted!

  • A remote control boat -granted by my kids
  • A bird feeder -granted by my sister
  • A bird bath -granted by my sister
  • A coupon for a massage -granted by "Princess Christine"
  • Sara Grove CD -Granted by dana
  • Sting CD's -Granted by dana