September 2, 2006

My handwriting analysis

Motivating Forces

Doug is emotionally independent and feels the need to march to his own drummer. Yet, while he does not seem bound by conventional expectations, neither is he a total iconoclast. His overpowering need for freedom can make it difficult to sustain long-term relationships, no matter how much he wants the good things that go with them. He simply must be free to do what he needs to do, and too many close, personal ties make that difficult. He performs just fine in an antagonistic environment. Whether everyone gets along and are friends with each another is of little account to him. Excitement and activity are the thing. Financial and material security is very high on his agenda. He needs to know that he can take care of his family's needs, no matter what happens. Consequently, he can be expected to work long and hard to that end.

Ego Strength

Doug seems to have a belief that he is entitled to whatever he wants. When he sees something he likes, he simply assumes it is his and is within his rights to take it. In the face of all of the facts, his pride doesn't stand in the way of admitting it when he feels he has made a mistake. He'll probably say, "perhaps I was wrong after all." Doug has average self-confidence when it comes to taking on new responsibilities. He believes in his ability to handle major undertakings successfully if they are within the realm of his experience. Living his life without a lot of fanfare, his self-esteem is well enough developed for him to know what he wants and how to get his needs met. With his impulsive nature, he is low on willpower, and that means he can easily be sidetracked from his goal when something tempting comes up.

These results were obtained from a handwriting analysis tool available on

If you would like me to analyze yours (or someone else's) handwriting at no charge send me 2 or 3 pages of handwritten material. It should be on un-lined paper, ideally with a signature at the end. I'm not an expert, but would be happy to give it a try and let you know what I find.

You can mail it to me at 3737 loretto rd, apt 406, jacksonville, fl 32223, or you can scan it and email it to me at

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