Overwhelming love...
Two mornings ago I told God what I needed from him was, "overwhelming love, your great embrace, squeeze tight." (exact words from my prayer journal) That is a very unusual thing for me to ask for... usually i ask for peace and strength. It was definitely something out of my routine. And why not just say that I needed love? Why did I say overwhelming love? Weird.
Last night I was instant messaging a new acquaintance and she said she was suddenly starting sense God's presence very strongly. What follows is her exact words messaged to me...
>I know as far back as I remember when I would hold a baby I would feel something like transfer to them. I think it is the love of God that is in me
>God's love is powerful warm, very warm but not hot, covering everywhere. I have such a powerful amount of love it's unbelieveable. I have a LOVE ministry
>do you remember the most loved and secure feeling you've ever had?
> multiply that by 100000000000000000000000000
>God is so here with me right now
>love is pouring out of me
>He has filled me to overflowing
>overwhelming love and his presence
>want me to send you some?
>(emoticon of a hug, a heart, and an angel)
Overwhelming love... I didn't even put two and two together until today when i woke up and remembered that i had written something about love in my prayer journal. So i went and looked it up to see what i had said. "I need your overwhelming love, your great embrace, squeeze tight."
I think God sent one of his angels to give me specifically what i was asking for.
Never coincidence. You are so blessed jigga. I'm jealous...
I hope it's jealous in a positive way. Because when God told me that I was entering a phase of prosperity and blessing he also told me...
1. Don't forget where you came from, and who brought you here.
2. Don't make others feel bad who are not yet in their season of prosperity and blessing.
I hope I didn't do that to you?
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