Developing your inner circle
Your inner circle are the 2 or 3 people with whom you have a close, open, vulnerable, mutually supportive relationship. If you don't have 2 or 3 yet and want to know what to look for, her are some good tips.
- Character (i.e., safe, dependable, confidential, mature)
- Click (you “get” each other, similar intersts, etc.)
- Need (they need more connection in their life, just like you do)
- Desire (they want to invest in a mutual relationship with you)
- Ability (They have the time, energy, and skills available to use for this)
If these 5 components are present you have great potential for a strong connection, like 2 pieces of a puzzle locking well together. If any one of these 5 are not present, they just won't be able to be part of your inner circle, no matter how much you desire it and work for it. They may still end up connecting with you in some way, and your lives may touch, but they won't be part of your inner circle. They may end up being one of the 12? If they have all these 5 qualities in a huge way, they may end up being your # 1, you “soul mate.”
(Taken from commandment # 2 "Connect with others" from my "10 commandments of long-term, successful weight loss" found at )
You would be part of my inner if you weren't a guy, geez. Dont mess w the 10 dude. LOL
maybe i'm not a guy... maybe it's all an elaborate hoax... Only my hairdresser knows.
Actually, you raise a good point, because i should have added that your inner circle should be same sex. Opposite sex just makes it too "complicated."
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