March 10, 2008

is it ok to question evolution?

Ben Stein, who you may recognize from TV, has a documentary coming out in theaters on April 18th. It's called "expelled," and has to do with how scientists and teachers who question darwinism are silenced, fired, ridiculed, etc. It's kind of a "free speech" issue.

I watched the trailers on the site and it looks very provocative. I'm sure it will be a great conversation starter at school, home, and the workplace.

Here's some information about the web site.


EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed
A quick guide to viewing the Website

The following links will help you understand the film at a glance. Included here are individual page links…or you can navigate the site directly from the Home Page. But be sure that you visit each of the six pages below, in order to get a feel for the project!

Go to the Home Page watch the “Bad to the Bone” teaser trailer. Then enter the site.

From the Home Page…start with the Trailer…a clip from Ben Stein speaking to a college audience. It gives you an indication of the controversy surrounding the issues that the film addresses. Ben’s Trailer

Then go to the Movie Overview…a short synopsis of the film.
Movie Overview

Next…go to the blog, and scroll down the page to Ben Stein’s Introductory Blog…nearly eighteen hundred people have responded already, since the site first launched August 22, 2007. Remember…the “responses” are all about a film that no one has even seen yet….so take them with a grain of salt!
The Blog

Then…go to the News page. The film made the front page of the New York Times on September 27, 2007. A link to the story is the top article.
News Page

Complete with all of the assets that you would find in a hard-copy press kit, this online press room was created specifically for your uses
Press Room

Last, but not least…go to Big Science Academy parody Yearbook, and follow the links to the Class Officers, etcetera. The Playground is just that…a place on the site where the issues are treated with a decidedly tongue-in-cheek fashion.
Big Science Academy


Anonymous said...

hmm.. sounds interesting

Anonymous said...

For those of you reading this blog who think that Ben Stein was in any way the motivating force behind this movie, please reconsider.

From the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention Texan interview with Logan Craft (executive producer of Expelled):

TEXAN: How did Ben Stein come to be involved in the film?

CRAFT: Well, John (Sullivan, producer of Expelled) had a real insight, we believe, into the necessity to have a person, first of all, who wasn’t overtly Christian or overtly religious…

Ben Stein is a hack!

This film is a manufactured argument, cleverly crafted to advance a conservative christian agenda. ID at this point, after almost 20 years and millions of dollars tossed at it by the Discovery Institute, is still merely a vague idea. It has not yet even been fleshed out into a valid scientific hypothesis, and certainly hasn’t developed into a viable or testable theory.

So at this point, the ID/creationist movement is merely a well-funded public relations effort trying to rally public support promoting “science = evolution = atheists”, rather than offering any positive evidence of the “designer”, or “design”.

“Tens of millions of Americans, who neither know nor understand the actual arguments for or even against evolution, march in the army of the night with their Bibles held high. And they are a strong and frightening force, impervious to, and immunized against, the feeble lance of mere reason.”
—Isaac Asimov

Doug Doan said...

Thanks for the info.

This documentary has certainly stirred a lot of discussion before it's even come out.

Time will tell (when we get a chance to see it) whether it is mainly an ID promoting film, or whether it is mainly an expose of the efforts of the scientific community to silence any scientists who dare to question Darwinism, or see the scientific facts pointing to any other conclusion or paradigm.