February 29, 2008

here's why obama will win the white house

I'm 47 and I've never seen the almost religious fervor about a political candidate before. He has struck a deep chord in the hearts of millions with two simple concepts. Hope. And Change. Something that many have longed for for ages.

I'm not sure how to put it into words, but the heartfelt passion for what obama represents is soul-stirring. All I can think is that is how people must have felt about JFK. He was a president everyone loved and believed in. And it wasn't because of his "policies." And it wasn't because he led a perfect life. He had the courage to believe. Believe that we could BE. That we could DO. He had heart and vision.

I suppose Reagan was in a similar vein, uniting the country to be and do again. But there's something different about obama that I can't get my finger on. I think it's because he puts even LESS emphasis on policy than Reagan, and more on principle. I think people are fed up with facts and figures and endless wrangling about the details... while the forest is being overlooked.

You've got to admit he's likeable. Like you wish he were your dad, or brother, or uncle, or husband, or counselor, or pastor, or boss, or friend. You want to run up to him and have him put his arms around you, give you a big smile, and tell you everything's going to be alright. And then he'll tell you, "Now here's what you're gonna have to do. Go do it. I believe in you!" And you run off happy and do it.

And then you mix in the fact that he is half white/half black, that he's got a name that sounds like a mix of Iraq and Osama, and you get to thinking, hey, maybe this guy does represent everybody! He is a walking advertisement for unity and diversity after what many people think has been way too long an era of segregation, partisanship, and fracture.

And, if you hear his wife speak, she's just as impassioned. She's a believer. She's not just "supporting her man."

So, obama has stepped into a vacuum that has been looking to be filled for some time. And the current is swelling. It is non-verbal. It is non-rational. It just is. It has it's own energy that is much bigger than obama itself. That's why it's called a "movement." Obama happens to be the catalyst.

And it makes all the other candidates look like carboard figures. Just men. Mortal. Pedestrian. Run of the mill. Uninspiring.

And that's why on an emotional level I feel like i WANT to vote for this guy even though I have absolutely NO idea what he stands for. And i almost don't care. Scarey, huh?

I'm not saying i AM going to vote for him. I'm just saying I WANT to. I can imagine going into the ballot booth and coming out smiling! Like actually feeling good! Excited! Yes! I'm a winner!I'm just hoping he has policies i can stomach. I'm kind of afraid to look.

So, to go with my former prediction, I think the contest for the white house will be between obama and mccain, with obama winning. mccain represents the old guard, the elderly white man's establishment, status quo. War, tough times, enemies, grin and bear it, strength and might... A charicature of what has been. WWII mentality. So "20th century." Obama represents unity, compassion, dialogue, negotiation, bringing together, toleration, hope, belief, youth, change. So "21st century." (And no matter what hillary does, she will be equated with the old guard... the last 20 years of either a bush or a clinton in the white house. I don't think people are looking to make that 28! We don't do monarchy here.)
To sum up, there's a dictum I find eerily true... "If you're not a liberal when you're in your 20's you have no heart. If you're not a conservative when you're in your 50's you have no brain!" In this election cycle I think the tinman is going to get his wish, not the scarecrow. We are looking for, and will get, a heart. A beating, imperfect, authentic, humble, generous, learning, growing, human heart.

If you have not gotten swept up into this current yet, watch these videos. If you cry at Hallmark commercials, you better get your tissues out. :) Be careful. You may get converted! You may become a believer.




"JOHN HE IS" (Anti-mccain spin off video)


Anonymous said...

Wow, almost sounds like a wonderful description of the anti-christ... unity, likability... a religious blind faith following without deep digging questions being answered, and no one caring if they are.

Anonymous said...

How sad that you could so quickly jump to that conclusion! I don't believe the blog was saying that people aren't asking the deep digging questions, just that Doug hasn't..yet.. but instead people are being inspired for the first time in years. With that inspiration comes an interest in asking the questions rather than ignoring the issues.

There is a renewed interest in politics like this country hasn't seen in years thanks largely in part to Obama. Fot that, all Americans should be thankful.

America has been paralyzed by fear for so long now. Its refreshing to have a sense that we can be free from that fear. Proverbs says: "Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe."

The challenge to all of us is to ask the questions and dare to hope. Obama has authored books that discuss his desire for America and his website offers insight into his plan for change: http://www.barackobama.com/issues/

Doug Doan said...

I have similar concerns, anonymous. That's why I was honest about my own "feelings" about him, even though i had nothing concrete to base them on yet. But rest assured that I will look at his record and his political policies carefully before making any decision about who I will vote for. I'm not into unthinking blind allegiance.

I suppose when the anti-christ comes and rules the world and the chuch simultaneously there will be a gushing of adulation that most everyone will get swept up in.

However, I would be cautious not to make the leap that anyone that massive numbers of people are carried away with and believe in is the anti-Christ. Much hysteria is non-rational, and unexplainable. It just is. (The Beatles. Elvis. Princess Di. etc. etc.)

Also, I said that the fervor about obama is "religious" in it's intensity. I didn't say it was religious. Nobody is claiming that he is God. And nobody is saying his views about God are right. I was just referring to the intensity of emotion people have about him.

And it is good to remember that we are electing a president, not a pope or some other religious leader. When all is said and done the next president will be one man in one position in one country. Not that he won't have influence. He undoubtedly will. But he will not rule the world, neither politically nor religiously.

PS, I did follow Andrea's link she put in her comment, and stumbled upon a speech obama had given in 2006 about the role of religion in politics/government. I thought it was pretty interesting. Here it is. Call to Renewal

Anonymous said...

Israel insisted on THEIR version of a King ... and they got Saul

America is insisting on THEIR version of change .... we will also gain something that initially looks palatable but then will turn on us.

I will never put my hope in a mediocre politician who has little respect for foreign policy, no respect for the life of the unborn, and endorses and embraces alternative marriage lifestyle.

A proponent of one world trade, money and government he will never have my vote.

It's not the color I object to...it's the man. Alas, Oprah and the many of the rest who are swept away in the madness are too enthralled with the color to see the man.

It's not the easiest choice I have ever made but I will choose cardboard with character over a man who refuses the smallest request to don an American Flag Lapel pin.

I am CERTAIN that we will see change, I hope the Lord does not tarry.


Anonymous said...

Actually I wasn't saying he was the anti-christ, nor that it was religious. So I wasn't jumping to any conclusions. I merely said that it sounds like that. There have been many people who have come and gone throughout history that I could say the same thing about.

No this isn't religious, I didn't say it was, I was stating it was like a religious blind faith following... nothing more.

I have been reading about him and his beliefs, as well as the other possible candidates, and am not happy about any of them. Obama is the most likable candidate, but when someone is in office and they are likeable, I am weary.

I have spoken to many people in my area who have no idea what Obama believes is the best way to lead the country, yet they are voting for Obama. That is where I see the blind faith without people digging for the truth.

I also do not believe Doug that you were stating you were for or against him, but noting interesting information. I too find it interesting and that is it. My impression was not meant to ruffle feathers.

I have equally disturbing feelings of the other candidates as well and might have voiced them had they been part of the focus of your blog here as well.

Anonymous said...

Cardboard with character? Name how the other candidates display character...

You site Obama's refusal to wear the flag lapel pin as a negative- in my mind that is a testament to tremendous character. By doing so he took the opportunity to display that patriotism is more than a fashion statement.

Anonymous said...

:-( the youtube videos are no longer available. Any chance of re-run?

Doug Doan said...

they're all working for me. Not sure what the problem is?

Anonymous said...

now it's working. what ever you did, thanks.

Doug Doan said...

Apparently, Time Magazine read my blog and stole my ideas!!! Click here

Anonymous said...

Royalties man, royalties! We saw it here first :-)

Doug Doan said...

funny. Yes, royalties will be gladly accepted.