October 31, 2007


I took a free career test online and these were the results.

General Description: As a Driver, you create activity and set the pace within your family and among your friends. Due to your desire to produce results, you quickly take charge by defining goals and delegating tasks. You are not afraid to take risks or impose your will through strong action in order to move ahead.

Typical Areas of Strength: Drivers, like you, are bold, direct, confident, competitive, often pioneering, assertive, frank, independent, and responsive to new challenges. You excel by having the freedom to define a direction focused on results.

Typical Areas of Struggle: You may be impatient, insensitive to the feelings of others, frustrated with details and routines, a poor listener, impulsive, too blunt, or overbearing.

Your Preferred Activities: To maximize your talents, you look for situations in which you can have a high level of independence, with obstacles to overcome, challenges to meet and solve, without many details to handle.

Your Communication Style: You communicate directly and forcefully, getting to the bottom line quickly. As a result, friends and family may see you as demanding, impersonal, and dominating.

My profile page is here...

To take the test click here

I'd be interested in your results. Email them to me at dougdoan@yahoo.com.


Anonymous said...

i took the test and it says I am a researcher.
As a Researcher, you are a very task-oriented person who likes to see duties completed efficiently, accurately, and on time. You are very capable at resisting distractions and typically will stick to a project until it is completed.

Typical Areas of Strength
Researchers, like you, are very productive people. You blend your desire to accomplish goals with your desire for accuracy. Researchers are motivated to become competent experts in all endeavors.

Typical Areas of Struggle
You may sometimes be abrupt to those who do not meet responsiblities or who compromise in quality. As a result, you may be perceived as a pushy, cold, or rigid perfectionist.

Your Preferred Activities
You work best when given the authority, time, and independence to produce quality results. You also are typically good at working complex systematic processes.

Your Communication Style
You typically communicate by using facts, data, and proven methods to make your points. You respond negatively to exaggerations or wordy explanations in family discussions.
I think it is accurate.

Doug Doan said...

Thanks Sandra! The side of you I get to see is a lot more soft and tender, so it's good to see this side of you too. Gives me a more well-rounded picture.

Anonymous said...

I was shocked to see the typical areas of struggle so accurate. I can be so abrupt at times with people and I try to think before i act and speak. actions do speak louder than words. it was also right about communication style. I am so sensitive and become frustrated if some one isn't specking clearly. it helps to understand it as well as try to change my behavior. Sandra