January 10, 2007

what are your spiritual gifts?

Here's a cool online test you can take to get some feedback about your spiritual gifts. It's 110 questions and will take you 10 or 15 minutes.

Why don't you post here what your top 3 results are? Mine are Wisdom, Knowledge, and Administration.


Cheryl said...


A very accurate measurement for me, thanks for the great link

Anonymous said...

Mine are giving, discernment & intercession. The intercession part surprises me. I'm hypervigilant and have been proved right in my assessment of people many times - so discernment I known. I love to give except to my son, who knows that about me and try to milk me dry. But I am wise to him and limit giving and make it more of a reward. I guess I gave you more info than you needed to know:-)

Doug Doan said...

most of my friends seem to have the gift of giving! (I think i have the gift of taking, lol.)

I wish this test had more categories, like word of knowledge, word of wisdom, tongues/interpretation, etc.

Anonymous said...

Serving, Discernment (hmm) and a 4 way tie for third place with prophet, knowlege, wisdom and faith. This is not what I expected and is something to think about.

Doug Doan said...

Teresa, don't neglect your gift of discernment. Your instincts about people are good. Pay attention and you'll stay out of trouble! lol

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I wonder how long I'll stay out of trouble...lol

Anonymous said...

Knowledge & discernment were tied for number one, then faith then music, teaching, healing and prophet were tied for 3rd. Lots of ties. Jack of all trades, master of none