February 16, 2007

free books!!

If you're like me there are many times you would like a book, and you know your friends might have it and not need it anymore, but you don't want to bother them all the time asking, or having them think you're cheap.

And then you have a bunch of books you've read that are good, and you know they would be of benefit to someone, but you're not sure who. So you're torn between throwing them away, donating them to the library, trying to sell them in a garage sale or amazon, of trying to pawn them off on friends who you think "need" them. (They're too polite to say no.)

Once I tried to start a book cooperative online where books could be traded or given away. I didn't have anywhere near the volume of participants to make it work well.

Well Bookmooch came along to save the day! I am truly impressed with this site. You list the books you have that you want to give away, and you search for books you want. You earn points when you give books away and you spend points when you request a book from someone else. It's a huge swapmeet.

I have sent and received several books so far. And it's nice to know my book went to someone who really wanted it. (To a good home, if you will.) The site is very easy to use. Very user-frinedly and informative. Keeps track of everything for you. I would be proud to have invented this.

The site charges NOTHING. Your only cost is the postage on the books you mail out. That's it. To get started you have to list at least 10 books.

If you like to see the list of books I currently am offering, go here. (You can search for other books from here too.) If you really want one, you're going to have to become a member of bookmooch. That's my way of encouraging more people to get involved with this.

Happy reading!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How fun to be able to share books. I may have to give this a try.