March 24, 2007

hanging moss

i took this picture today at the park, partly because it had hanging moss. I love hanging moss and it was one of the things i was looking forward to seeing when i moved south.

After i moved here i found out that it isn't just "some pretty thing." It's actually a parasite that kills the tree! Dang. Now i like it but i hate it! Who woulda thought?

What do we have in our branches that is like hanging moss? Something that's pretty to look at, but is actually sucking the life out of us?
  • a relationship?
  • a possession?
  • a job?
  • a habit?
  • a belief?
  • an attitude?
  • a vice?
  • a habit?

Sometimes we have to sacrifice something that looks good in order to stay healthy, strong, and alive.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

I love this analogy. I love it even more when I think about the fact that people who do not know much about the tree, and what it takes to be healthy...actually admire the moss and think it is great! Helps to make a visual image about what healthy advice or counsel looks like. Thanks